artful living Beth Buckley artful living Beth Buckley

Lisa Samuel— Interior Designer

“The ultimate goal of this project was to create a well-appointed second home, where my clients could relax, feel calmed by the serene landscape around them—and of course, enjoy friends and family in an atmosphere of casual sophistication.”

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artful living Beth Buckley artful living Beth Buckley

Erica Ortiz Berke— Interior Designer

“I believe that the best design is exceptionally planned to be aesthetically pleasing, yet functional. I love the challenge to accomplish this balance. I try not to set constraints on the design because rules are made to be broken, and ultimately, I will do whatever is needed to uncover the very best design.”

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artful living Beth Buckley artful living Beth Buckley

Brian Mann — Architect

“I cannot help believing that there are fundamentalsunderlying great living spaces that are rooted in thefew hundred thousand years humans and our nearestancestors spent living enmeshed in nature,” Mann said.

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artful living Beth Buckley artful living Beth Buckley

Caleb Johnson — Architect

“Not wanting to cut off the waterside of the house fromthe roadside, we chose to allow views and foot trafficstraight through the building by creating a sort of holethrough the primary floor. On entry by car or foot, theview out to the bay is always front and center, so youdon’t feel like you are on the back side of the building at any point.”

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